Bleeding After Baby Tooth Falls Out
Emergency Dentists serving Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ

Children lose their baby teeth, and nine out of ten times is an exciting time for them and their parents. Which child does not like getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy?
But what about if it starts bleeding after the baby’s tooth falls out? Wondering what to do when that happens?
At Princess Center Dentistry, we’ve treated thousands of patients with dental emergencies. Dr. Andrews will not only help you resolve the pain and discomfort of a dental emergency but will also follow up with you afterward to assure the best results.
We’ve created this guide to help you understand what precautions to take to assure safe and expedient treatment when you arrive at our office.
Call us today for your dental emergency.
A Baby Tooth Fell Out and is Bleeding: What to do for First Aid
It is normal for a loose tooth to bleed, in a child’s mouth. Do you know why? The urge to touch and wiggle a loose tooth is high for any child. The faster a tooth falls out, the sooner the Tooth Fairy comes! All that wiggling can increase the rate a tooth falls out and the roots can bleed because they are still tied to the tooth. Baby teeth can also bleed when they fall out. In both of these situations, here is what to do:
- Get excited: Show excitement! The child is either about to lose a tooth or has lost the tooh!
- Use gauze: Use gauze to stop the bleeding by having the child bite on the gauze. You can also use a clean piece of cloth for the same result and purpose of helping to stop the bleeding.
- Check the clock: When the bleeding starts, check the clock. If after 15 minutes, call your dentist for an emergency dental appointment.
This is particularly true if your child has a bleeding disorder.
What are Our Hours?
At Princess Center Dentistry, our hours are set to meet your needs no matter if you need an appointment before or after work or something in between. We even have hours on the weekend to meet your family’s need for flexibility. Checkout our hours in Scottsdale, Arizona:
Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed