Teeth Whitening
Serving Scottsdale, North Scottsdale, and Phoenix AZ
Teeth whitening is among the most popular treatments in modern dentistry. And for good reason! Nothing brightens a smile as efficiently or effectively as professional teeth whitening. Our Scottsdale, AZ, dentist, Dr. Andrews, offers both in-office and take-home whitening solutions to meet the needs of virtually every patient.
The Zoom Chair Side Whitening System is an advanced tooth whitening treatment that works quickly in the comfort of our office. Zoom is a simple process, great for anyone looking for immediate results. The Zoom whitening gel is applied to the teeth and activated under a special light. The gel and light penetrate the teeth’s surface, dissolving stains and discoloration. In less than one hour, you’ll have a dramatically whiter smile!
Alternatively, our Opalescence take-home whitening kit is ideal for anyone who wants to monitor treatment themselves or maximize their in-office treatment results. A customized whitening tray and gel will be provided, and Dr. Andrews will give you a set of instructions to follow. It only takes two weeks to see visibly brighter, whiter teeth.
If you dream of having a set of sparkling smile teeth whitening by our Scottsdale, AZ, dentist may be your perfect solution! To find out if teeth whitening is right for you, call Princess Center Dentistry today and schedule your appointment.
Teeth Whitening at Our Scottsdale Location
Scroll down any health and beauty aisle in stores today, and you’ll find more products promising the whitest, brightest smile ever. From different kinds of toothpaste and strips to trays and mouthwashes, there are plenty of whitening products available.
Not all products are created equal, however, l and while you try to follow the best oral hygiene routine you can, it can be time-consuming and confusing.
Princess Center Dentistry can help. What if you could get clarification and turn that nightly whitening routine into a five-minute to a one-hour trip to the dentist?
At Princess Center Dentistry, Our Scottsdale, AZ, dentist, Dr. Andrews, offers both in-office and take-home whitening solutions to meet the needs of virtually every patient.
Many of our patients often ask us, does teeth whitening hurt?
How do I maintain teeth whitening results after treatment?
These are both great questions, but first, let’s answer, what is teeth whitening, and should you get your teeth whitened?

Should I get my Teeth Whitened by a Restorative Dentist?
Teeth whitening is among the most popular treatments available in modern dentistry today. And for good reason! Nothing brightens a smile as efficiently or effectively as professional teeth whitening.
Are you asking yourself why teeth whitening is so popular as a dental treatment?
Well, remember the teeth whitening strips or whitening toothpaste you see every day at the grocery store? Or the store-bought teeth whitening cleaning kits?
Those are all great options; however, getting your teeth whitened at the dentist is:
- Safer
- Faster
- More efficient
- Offers increased comfort
And when you choose to have your teeth whitened at a restorative dentist, you also have many more choices for how you get your teeth whitened.
How many different choices? Five! Let’s take a look and find out what they are.

2 Teeth Whitening Systems-5 Options
When you go to a dentist with the most modern options and the most high-tech equipment, you will be offered five main teeth whitening options. Each of the five options is either using Zoom or take-home systems. Here is what those two systems are:
- Zoom: The Zoom Chair Side Whitening System is an advanced tooth whitening treatment that works quickly in the comfort of our office. Zoom is a simple process, great for anyone looking for immediate results. The Zoom whitening gel is applied to the teeth and activated under a special light. The gel and light work together to penetrate the teeth, dissolving stains and discoloration. In less than one hour, you’ll have a dramatically whiter smile!
- Take-home whitening kit: Alternatively, the Opalescence take-home whitening kit is ideal for anyone who wants to monitor treatment themselves or maximize their in-office treatment results. A customized whitening tray and gel will be provided, and Dr. Andrews will give you a set of instructions to follow. It only takes two weeks to see visibly brighter, whiter teeth.
Both of these two teeth whitening systems and treatments are used for the five options of teeth whitening.
So what are the five teeth whitening treatments, and what do they often cost?
.Different Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments and Costs
Here is a list of the five types of teeth whitening treatments that either use the Zoom system, the take-home whitening kit, or a combination of the two systems and what each will cost at Princess Center Dentistry.
- One-hour Zoom: A one-hour session with the Zoom system in the dental office PLUS custom whitening trays. Cost: $499
- Custom whitening trays: Want a customized white smile made just for you? Customized whitening trays may be a great option for you. Cost: $398
- Whitening Gel: Already have whitening trays? We have opalescence whitening gel
*Prices are subject to change. Call for the most current pricing. Last updated: April 9, 2024
These costs and fees for teeth whitening treatments can be a baseline for what it will cost you if you choose to go to a dentist in the country, however, it is important to remember that these costs are specific to Princess Center Dentistry and demographic. Other dentists may have teeth whitening fees that are based on where they live and practice.

Financial Options
You may wonder what your options are for covering the costs. From CareCredit to major credit cards, you have options when it comes to the white smile you have always wanted from Princess Center Dentistry.
FAQ About Teeth Whitening
Do you have further questions about teeth whitening as a treatment? We have you covered with our FAQ:
How much are teeth whitening treatments in Scottsdale?
Each of the different treatment options for teeth whitening has a different cost.
Can Yellow Teeth be Whitened?
Yes, yellow teeth can often be successfully whitened. Teeth whitening treatments, both in-office, and at-home, can effectively reduce yellowing and restore a brighter, whiter smile.
Types of Tooth Stains
Teeth can become yellowed or discolored from various factors such as aging, tobacco use, certain foods and beverages, poor oral hygiene, and certain medications.
Is Teeth Whitening Bad for Your Teeth?
Teeth whitening, when done correctly and under professional guidance, is generally considered safe and does not harm the teeth. It’s important to follow proper guidelines and recommendations to minimize the potential for issues.
How Do I Maintain Teeth Whitening Results?
To maintain your teeth whitening results and enjoy a long-lasting bright smile, practice good oral hygiene, avoid staining foods and beverages, use a straw to avoid direct contact with the teeth, quit tobacco use, and rinse your mouth often after eating and drinking. These tips can help maintain the treatments.
How Long Does it Take to Whiten Teeth?
Depending on the patient and the treatment chosen, the time it takes varies. In general, in-office professional treatment lasts between five minutes for a touch-up to an hour for a full treatment. At-home professional whitening often requires wearing the trays for a few hours each day or overnight for a period of one to two weeks,
Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening can be beneficial for many people interested in enhancing the brightness and overall appearance of their smile. It’s important that candidates have healthy teeth and gums, and any dental issue, such as a cavity, will need to be addressed prior to the treatment.
What Are Our Hours?
At Princess Center Dentistry, our hours are set to meet your needs, no matter if you need an appointment before or after work or something in between. We even have hours on the weekend to meet your family’s need for flexibility.
Check out our hours in Scottsdale, Arizona:
Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Contact Us Now For Teeth Whitening In Scottsdale.
If you dream of having a set of perfectly white teeth, teeth whitening by our Scottsdale, AZ, dentist may be your perfect solution! To find out if teeth whitening is right for you, call Princess Center Dentistry today and schedule your appointment.