Infection Emergencies
Emergency dental services in Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ

Wondering what to do with an infection or abscess emergency? At Princess Center Dentistry, we’ve treated thousands of patients with dental emergencies. Dr. Andrews will not only help you resolve the pain and discomfort of a dental emergency but will also follow up with you afterward to assure the best results.
We’ve created this guide to help you understand what precautions to take to assure safe and expedient treatment when you arrive at our office.
Call us today for your dental emergency.
First Aid for an Infection or Abscess
Here are the steps to take for a possible broken jaw:
- Checklist: Go through the checklist to determine if you have a suspected abscess or not. Perhaps you are experiencing a different dental emergency.
- Check air flow and breathing: An abscess can make it difficult to breath. If this happens, call 911 for immediate medical assistance. Treating breathing challenges comes before treating the root dental cause of the breathing issue which most likely is the tooth infection.
- Alert dentist: Be sure to also alert your dentist of what is happening with your tooth.
- Set appointment: Make an emergency dental appointment with your dentist.
- Use pillows: If you have to wait out the night for your emergency dental appointment the next day, elevate your head using pillows.
- Take a pain reliever: Take a tylenol or other pain reliever to reduce your pain level while you wait for your emergency dental appointment to occur.
- Use salt water: Use saltwater to rinse out your mouth once or twice a day. You can choose to rinse your mouth with saltwater after each meal until your dental appointment. A saltwater rinse should help with bacteria where the infection is in your mouth.
- Go to the dentist: Go to the dentist and be diagnosed and treated for your tooth infection or abscess.
So how will a dentist help treat your tooth infection? Let’s take a look . . .
Tooth Infections FAQ
Here is a list of frequently asked questions that are asked about tooth infections and abscesses. Let’s take a look . . .
When Should you go to the Emergency Room for a Tooth Infection?
There are four situations where you should go to the emergency room for a tooth infection or abscess:
- Situation 1: You cannot breath.
- Situation 2: Your dentist is closed for the night.
- Situation 3: You have a fever and your infection/abscess has spread to other parts of your body.
- Situation 4: Your pain level is severe and your emergency dental appointment is not immediate.
How Long Does it Take for Antibiotics to Reduce Swelling from a Tooth Infection?
It can take anywhere from 3-10 days for antibiotics to reduce the swelling associated with a tooth infection.
In addition to antibiotics, it is important to also be treated at an emergency dental appointment for your tooth infection or abscess. While taking antibiotics is helpful, to fully treat your infection, a dentist may need to do a root canal, drain the abscess, or pull your tooth depending on the progression level of your infection.
Emergency Treatments
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