“We’re going on vacation!” These words elicit thoughts of relaxation, good times, and getting away from the daily stresses of life. Whether... read more
As a parent, you likely work hard to instruct your children on the value of keeping their teeth healthy and safe by brushing, flossing, and regular... read more
As a parent, you simply want what’s best for your child, and that includes achieving a healthy set of teeth. Of course, it’s easier said than... read more
The idea of going to the dentist rarely elicits the same enthusiastic response as going out to your favorite restaurant or catching the premiere of... read more
When it comes to you and your teenage children, there are things you’ll always have a difficult time agreeing on—curfew time, clothing styles,... read more
Robert has been a valued patient of Princess Center Dentistry for many years. Hooked Up Pool Services, Inc. services the Scottsdale area with full... read more
The question was popped, the answer was “Yes,” and now you’re engaged to be married. Congratulations on the incredible news! Of course, you want... read more
Princess Center Dentistry LOVES country music!!!! Saturday, August 10th Tim McGraw will be at Salt River Fields with Brantly Gilbert as his opening... read more
Can you believe it’s June already? Believe it or not, summer is just around the corner, and for this month, we found some action-packed activities... read more
What is Soul Evolution? Soul Evolution is a life coaching experience where you are free to talk in a safe and supportive environment. Every person... read more